Mobile gaming has evolved a lot in the last couple of years. With companies like Blizzard investing on the matter, it’s no secret why many gamers (whether if casual or competitive) are moving towards mobile gaming. Blizzard is just one big example of triple-A gaming companies approaching the mobile world, let’s see which other games are worth playing in this second half of 2019.
Number One: PUBG Mobile
Player Unknown Battlegrounds was one of the most popular Battle Royale games in 2017. With millions of players worldwide, its translation to mobile has definitely left a tangible trace in the gaming industry. PUBG mobile still counts millions of active users on mobile and it’s definitely very likely to grow even more in the nearest future.
Number Two: Fortnite
It couldn’t be a mobile gaming list without mentioning the (current) king of games: Fortnite. Everyone knows about the game but, what many ignore is how much money it’s actually making. Fortnite, as stated by many app developers, currently makes over $50 million a day in microtransactions. To reference, Fortnite alone is currently 35% of the entire App Store’s income.
Number Three: Shadowgun Legends
If you want a taste of how powerful mobile games’ graphics are, you should definitely check this one. With a setup which will remind everyone to Destiny, this first-person shooter offers a variety of character customisations and, most importantly, is not pay per win (but does contain a large number of in-app purchases available)
Number Four: Riptide GP, Renegade
A good futuristic racing game is what everyone likes to play. Riptide GP does, as well as Shadowgun, break the barriers of mobile graphics, leading the player to a great visual experience, even on smaller screens. Originally released as a free to play, it received a massive graphics upgrade and it’s now available for only £3 on both iOS and Android.
Number Five: Hearthstone
We mentioned how Blizzards wants to move Diablo into the mobile world but we must not forget how they’re already dominating with Hearthstone. The popular card game built originally by an ex Alexa developer is worth, currently, over 20% of Blizzard’s entire income.